Modification variability of the new cultivar of wheat-rye amphidiploid by the ecological, industrial-valuable and molecular-genetic features


  • Т. З. Москалець Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
  • І. В. Гриник Institute of gardening NAAS Ukraine
  • С. І. Тарасюк Fishing Industry Institute NAAS
  • В. В. Москалець Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
  • Н. М. Буняк Nosivka selection and experimental station Mironovka wheat institute behalf nd. A.V. Remesla NAAS
  • В. І. Москалець Nosivka selection and experimental station Mironovka wheat institute behalf nd. A.V. Remesla NAAS
  • В. К. Рибальченко National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv



triticale, cultivar, phenotypic plasticity, ecological, industrial-valuable and molecular-genetic features


Studied ecological, industrial-valuable and molecular-genetic features of the new cultivar of wheat-rye amphidiploid triticale. It is shown that a cultivar Vivate Nosivske derived method of individual selection from the hybrid combination ([Avhusto NE x 312] x K 9844), and highlighted on the adaptability and resistance to a range of adverse abiotic and biotic factors, lodging and germination of the grain in the ear, is ecological stable in performance under Polissia-Forest-steppe and Forest-steppe ecotopes, generates a high yield (more than 9 t/ha) and grain quality (16 % protein) with timely use of science-based elements of farming. It is determined that the starch grains contained in this class is high (19,8 %) amylopectin content compared with amylose as evidenced by the consistency of the dough, its falling number and viscosity, and suitability for the baking of bakery products. This feature cultivar due to the presence in the genotype recessive allele (b) gene Wx-A1, which is responsible for blocking the GBSS – granulebound starch synthase.

Author Biographies

Т. З. Москалець, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

PhD (Biol.), Associate Professor

І. В. Гриник, Institute of gardening NAAS Ukraine

Academician NAAS Ukraine, Dc. Sci. (Agric.), Director of the Institute

С. І. Тарасюк, Fishing Industry Institute NAAS

associables of the Academy of Sciences NAAS, Ukraine, Dc. Sci. (Agric.), Professor, Principal Director of biotechnologies of Fishing Industry Institute NAAS

В. В. Москалець, Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University

Dc. Sci. (Agric.), Senior Staff Scientist

Н. М. Буняк, Nosivka selection and experimental station Mironovka wheat institute behalf nd. A.V. Remesla NAAS

PhD (Econom.), Director

В. І. Москалець, Nosivka selection and experimental station Mironovka wheat institute behalf nd. A.V. Remesla NAAS


В. К. Рибальченко, National Taras Shevchenko University of Kyiv

Dc. Sci. (Biol.), Professor, head  of the department membranology and cytology


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Experimental articles