Systematic byte-oriented codes


  • Анатолий Яковлевич Белецкий National Aviation University
  • Дмитрий Вадимович Конюший National Aviation University
  • Дмитрий Анатольевич Полторацкий National Aviation University



byte-oriented codes, generators and verification matrixes of codes, matrix of parity symbols, syndrome decoding


The order (number of bits or length) of classical cycliccodes is usually not a multiple of an integer number ofbytes, which leads to unproductive expenditures of computingresources with their hardware-software implementation.For this reason, the transition to byte-orientedcodes, in which both the length k of information wordsI and the number r of test bits are multiples R of aninteger number of bytes, seems most appropriate for practicaluse. A distinctive feature of the proposed approach tosynthesis (information coding) and code analysis (messagedecoding) is the rejection of generators G and verificationmatrices H , usually accompanying systematic cycliccodes, and their replacement by a single matrix P of paritysymbols (MAP), smaller in volume compared to using matricesG and H . The basis for the formation of MPS cyclic(n, k, t)  codes, where n  the code length and t the multiplicity of eliminated errors in codewords, are generators(generating) polynomials (one-dimensional binaryvectors), denoted by the symbol b . A binary polynomial ofr  degree is a generating polynomial of a primitive cyclic(n, k, t)  code if and only if the so-called "control" (k 1)  string k 1 s  , which is an extension of the matrixof code P parity symbols and computed according to therules of forming the rows of this matrix, but not enteringinto it, is determined by the relation  11 0 1 rk s   (necessaryconditions ), and the weight  of each row of the paritymatrix is not less than 2t , and the Hamming i , j d distancebetween any pairs of rows ( , ) i j s s of the matrix P is suchthat , 2 1 i j d  t  (sufficient conditions). The operators ofinverse permutation of rows and columns of the matricesmutually relate dual matrixes of parity symbols, i.e. the matricesgenerated by the dual binary polynomials. A systematicnoise-proof (16, 8, 2)  code is generated, generated bya symmetric irreducible polynomial of the eighth degreeb 100111001, which is unique (that is, unique in its kind)and optimal in a class of byte-oriented codes for a numberof criteria. A detailed characteristic of the algorithm forsyndrome decoding of byte-oriented codes is given.

Author Biographies

Анатолий Яковлевич Белецкий, National Aviation University

Doctor of Science, Professor, Honored Scientist of Ukraine, Laureate of the State Prize of Ukrainein Science and Technology, Professor of Department Electronicsof National Aviation University

Дмитрий Вадимович Конюший, National Aviation University

Student of Department Electronicsof National Aviation University

Дмитрий Анатольевич Полторацкий, National Aviation University

Student of Department Electronicsof National Aviation University


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