
  • О. М. Сідоркіна Національний авіаційний університет




idea of flying, existential optimism, scientific and technological progress, spiritual development, man


Introduction. The modern philosophical understanding of the idea of flight was preceded by a longer stage of philosophical reflections, mythological plots and the first simplest substantiations of this idea, when the fundamental possibilities were expressed for a person to overcome the force of gravity. Various aspects of the philosophy of flight are analyzed in a number of publications, which mainly reveal the philosophical and technical aspects of the problem associated with the peculiarities of human interaction and modern aircraft to ensure flight safety, as well as its historical and philosophical, socio-natural aspects in the context of the modern computer revolution and increasing requirements to control management systems. Aim and tasks. A significant interest, in our opinion, is a special empha-sis on the study of the philosophical foundations of existential optimism as a component of the idea of flight, its ideological origins, and conditions for further development in the space age, which is the purpose of the article. Research methods. The methodological basis of the study is the dialectical doctrine of contradictions, ways of removing them, the philosophical principle of development, as well as theoretical developments in the framework of religious philosophy, philosophy of cosmism and existentialism. Research results. The existential optimism of the idea of flight is expressed in its overall positive perception in the ordinary consciousness, artistic, creative and scientific reflection, based on the progressive aspects of the scientific and technological revolution. Over time, the idea of flight received more and more optimistic content and existential fullness, which suggested the possibility of overcoming and removing the many con-tradictions of man and nature, man and society, in particular, the problem of the finite existence of an individual and his enormous spir-itual and physical potential, especially in the light of modern discoveries in the field of experimental physiology and cell biophysics.Discussion. The practical realization of the idea of flight generates pessimistic fears for the consequences of security and further op-portunities in both technical and broader - sociocultural, religious and philosophical dimensions, which, however, will not save its exis-tential optimism. Conclusion. The solution of technical and ideological-philosophical contradictions associated with the idea of flight lies in the plane of a deep understanding of the dialectics of complex processes of culture and civilization in the space age. An important role in this process will belong to the moral and ethical perfection of the person, which must be understood in a comprehensive manner, together with a positive rational experience of cognition of the surrounding reality and the harmonization of scientific knowledge in gen-eral.

Author Biography

О. М. Сідоркіна, Національний авіаційний університет

доцент кафедри філософії


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Cultural Studies