The concept of love: methodological aspects of philosophical and religious analysis


  • Л. Г. Конотоп Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка



love, religion, faith, life, livelihoods, people, person, God, creation, existentialism, rationalism, transcendental


The paper analyzes the concept of love in two Western European and Slavic traditions, especially in the culture of the Balkan region.Traced the formation of the concept of love in Ancient, Medieval, Renaissance, New time. It is noted that the days of antiquity and theMiddle Ages can be detected two trends in the interpretation problems of love – rationalist and existential. Particular attention is paid tothe culture of the XX-XXI centuries. In which love is directly linked to the outside boundary experience of the transcendent.

Author Biography

Л. Г. Конотоп, Київський національний університет імені Тараса Шевченка

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